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Monica Sârghie (Popa)

Associate Professor

306-966-2823 sarghie@edwards.usask.ca

Room 289
25 Campus Drive, Nutrien Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, SK, S7N 5A7


Dr. Monica Sârghie is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research interests revolve around two streams. Monica's primary focus is on investigating the impact of situational influences, particularly social and linguistic influences, in consumption situations. The process mechanisms examined in her research highlight the notion that communication (including what and how is being communicated) generates inferences and affective reactions that have trickledown effects on consumer behavior.  Dr. Sârghie's second stream of research focuses on social marketing concerns, exploring public welfare, charitable donations, fair trade product purchases and social responsibility in general, at either consumer or corporate level. To understand these phenomena she is examining issues of trust, fairness, connectedness, empathy and reciprocity. Her work has been published in top refereed journals (e.g., Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research) and has been presented at numerous conferences (e.g., the Association for Consumer Research and the Society for Consumer Psychology conferences).


  • COMM 354 Consumer Behaviour
  • COMM 450 Social Cause Marketing: Designing Change for Good
  • MKT 803 Consumer Behaviour (M.Sc. in Marketing Program)


Dr. Sârghie's research interests are in the following areas:

  • Situational influences on consumer behavior
  • Consumer welfare
  • Social marketing, nonprofits, cause-related marketing, Fair Trade, helping behaviours
  • The interplay of emotions and cognition
  • Communication and linguistics