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Marjorie Delbaere

Associate Dean, Research, Graduate Programs and Faculty Relations


Ph.D. (University of Manitoba) B.Comm (Honours) (University of Manitoba)

306-966-5916 delbaere@edwards.usask.ca

25 Campus Drive, Nutrien Centre, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, SK, S7N 5A7


Marjorie Delbaere is a Professor of Marketing and Associate Dean of Research, Faculty Relations and Graduate Programs at the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Delbaere’s program of research explores the interplay between the persuasive use of language and images (specifically rhetorical figures such as metaphors and analogies), often in the context of complex and controversial products. She has been awarded two major grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/home-accueil-eng.aspx) for her work in the area of prescription drug advertising. Delbaere’s research has been published in refereed journals includingJournal of Advertising, Social Science & Medicine, Psychology and Marketing and Marketing Theory. Before joining academia, Marjorie worked in marketing communications for Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies in Germany.


At the undergraduate level, Dr. Delbaere has taught Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behaviour and Services Marketing in addition to supervising honours students. At the graduate level, she has taught Marketing Theory, Marketing for MBA students and supervises master’s students in the MSc Marketing program.

COMM 352 Marketing Strategy

This course is a required course for the Marketing major and is also a very helpful course for students pursuing the Management major. Students will develop their skills in the following areas: strategy, analysis, synthesis, decision making, application, and oral and written communication.  Most importantly, students will refine their ability to prepare an effective, comprehensive marketing plan. The major project in this course is an online decision-making simulation called PharmaSim. Working in teams, students take on the role of a member of a brand management team for the Over-the-Counter division of a pharmaceutical company. Each team competes against the same environment, made up of four competitors, each with a different marketing strategy and portfolio of brands. The other project in this course is an individual critical book review of a popular press book related to marketing strategy.

MKT 802 Marketing Theory

This is a graduate level course that covers the broad topic of marketing theory. Students will engage in high-level, critical discussion of the theories and models that form the foundation of scholarly work in the field of marketing. At the end of this course students will be able to compare and contrast the foundational theories and models from the academic marketing literature, lead a discussion on a marketing theory topic of their choice and present their arguments in the form of a written conceptual paper.



Page/Johnson Legacy Scholar GrantErin Willis, Erin Schauster, Maria Len-Rios, and Marjorie Delbaere, “Patient influencers: The morality of paid influence in pharmaceutical advertising,” $7,000 (USD), July 2021 – December 2022.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant Marjorie Delbaere (Principal Investigator), “Patient Influencers: A Marketplace Approach to Investigating the Influence of Expert Patients,” $85,819. April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2023.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Standard Research GrantMarjorie Delbaere (Principal Investigator) "The Influence of Analogies on Consumer Learning from Direct to Consumer Drug Advertising," $56,570. 2009 – 2014.


Delbaere, Marjorie, Brittany Michael and Barbara Phillips (2021), Social media influencers: A route to brand engagement for their followers, Psychology & Marketing, 38, 101-112. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/mar.21419

Delbaere, Marjorie, Spencer Groth and Marina Moreland (2020), “Advertising Agricultural Biotechnology: Metaphors and Controversial Products,” Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 41(2), 191-205.

Bruni-Bossio, Vince and Marjorie Delbaere (2020), “Not Everything Important Is Taught in the Classroom: Using Cocurricular Professional Development Workshops to Enhance Student Careers,” Journal of Management Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/1052562920929060

Delbaere, Marjorie and Adam Slobodzian (2019), “Marketing’s metaphors have expired: An argument for a new dominant metaphor,” Marketing Theory, 19(3), 391-401.

Hunter, Paulette, Delbaere, Marjorie, O'Connell, Megan E., Cammer, Allison, Seaton, Jennifer Friedrich, Trista, and Fick, Fiona (2017), “Did online publishers "get it right"? Using a naturalistic search strategy to review cognitive health promotion content on Internet webpages,” BMC Geriatrics, 17:125 DOI 10.1186/s12877-017-0515-3.

  • Persuasive communication; metaphors, rhetorical figures
  • Pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing
  • Influencers
  • Content analysis, social network analysis